Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Protege Mistress, intro to a series of excerpts

If you haven't read it before here, I began writing female domination erotica after emerging from the lover side of an unrequited love situation. (I almost said the wrong side, but both sides are difficult.) This was a surprise to me. I'd been writing for several years, always had submissive fantasies, but never felt inspired to write any down. Writing Courting Her was part fantasizing about what could have been and part catharsis.

Protege Mistress, my second female domination novel, began as a short story about a submissive man, who loses a card game bet to his manager and owes her a foot massage. Diane brings Kevin home to pay up and announces, before she lets him in, that she can never date him because it's against the rules for her to date people under her. An excerpt of what happens next is already posted here:


After receiving foot kisses and oral sex from Kevin, Diane pats his head and says, "Good boy. See you at work."

When I wrote that I realized I had a book. To that point I'd been writing a short story called, Coaster on the Floor, but that became chapter one, because I would need a book to see how things turned out with these two. I mean, imagine facing her at work and wondering who she told (she did tell her friend Monica)! What happened next, I consider luck, because good ideas coming are always a lucky thing. I realized I could turn an unrequited love story into a romance. I did this by writing the first half from Kevin's perspective. Kevin becomes Diane's submissive lover, but he's pained because he doesn't feel like a "real boyfriend."

Diane, meanwhile, a fledgling domme, is under the influence of Monica, who wants Diane to feel free to take "real" lovers while Kevin remains her submissive lover. Harsh stuff, for anyone who is uncomfortable with cuckolding, which I kind of am. I find the idea titillating but the reality way past my limit. But what I tried to do, while remaining in Kevin's POV is show how torn Diane is at putting Kevin in the role Monica wants him in. At one point, while Kevin is being whipped for some failing, Monica scolds Diane for kissing his cheek. Diane is in love with Kevin, and eventually, this becomes known to everyone. (**SPOILERS** And she never did take another lover, though she kind of sort of dated a regular at the pizza shop. A man Kevin called Extra Meat because he always got extra meat on his pizza.)

That's the book's first half in summary. What it allowed me to do is explore the pain of unrequited love without paining the reader (or the writer as I was writing it). Kevin rides the rollercoaster of emotion I rode trying to squeeze myself into the friend box my unrequited love wanted me in. At times it seemed to be working, we were able to celebrate our friendship without that problem intruding, but it was always hanging over us and when it came down it was crushing, for us both. For Kevin, and really for Diane too, there are some excruciating moments that were largely lifted from my real life experience, and I plan to include those in this story of excerpts.

Within this thread, I'll post (hopefully weekly) excerpts that tell Kevin's unrequited love story as well as it can be told in brief excerpts. If anyone gets impatient, the novel is available in print at Pink Flamingo and as an Ebook at amazon. I'm glad to have you reading the portions posted here, though, too.     

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